Now that you know what a stock is and a little bit about the different types of stocks you may be wondering how you can get started buying stocks. In order to buy stocks you have to set up an account with a brokerage. Brokerage accounts are very similar to your everyday bank account except they allow you to buy and sell stocks. In exchange for this capability you have to pay a fee, or commission, for each transaction made. Depending on your account provider this commission could be anywhere from $5 to $50 but for the majority of small investors $10 per trade is the most common. One discount broker that I would highly recommend is ShareBuilder.
Here is an updated list of stocks trading below their net current asset value that you might want to take a look at. Given the recent panic this list is very large but many of them are probably not even worth looking at because they are very unstable companies but I will do my best to take the worst ones out of the list. Remember that these are recommendations on what to research not on what to buy. Also note that an overwhelming majority of these are small cap tech stocks that I don't really understand. I have decided that on my next list I will include a non tech section so you don't have to go through a bunch of stocks that you might not be interested in at all. vvtv asfi crv nuhc twmc msn cobr neng voxx tbac haup infs tues issi dram tiii wga tlgd trid axti mfi hdng plcc tecd (first glance I have no idea why this company is selling this cheaply) trci duck ttil prls mlr fep smrt sts atrm auth bhe trt wmar parl zap dswl gv usu